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Still Going

Today, the Mrs took the pup n I out for what she said would be a mile walk. I grabbed the pack, thinking it would be a mile, and I wanted to add some extra. She decided to walk further, and we ended up at four miles. Her pace got faster than last week, so there was...

River Run

The Mrs had a training run today, and the pup n I tagged along. I brought the DSLR to improve my running backward and take pics while her coach set a goal for her run/walk intervals to maintain a specific heartbeat. The pup was using the outing as a recovery run for...

Seven Mile Hike

As the sun rose this morning, pup n I set out on a “hike’. I say hike because I wore a 30lb pack. It is the same pack I had when I moved back to Washington and decided hiking was fun. In it, I did not have the ten essentials; instead, I had two containers full of...

Drone test

So tonight, I took the drone out to see how the active tracking modes work. There is a follow-me and a parallel flavor, but they did the same thing for me in my testing tonight. Granted, I have not used either of these modes much, but I have always thought that the...

Not feeling it

Seems my posts, or the motivation to write, diminishes with the hours of the day. The pup n I started off great with nearly six miles under 13min/mile. But that was as the sun came up. Now, the Mrs, pup n I all went for a mile walk as the sun was setting. My ability...

Not tonight

We did a mile tonight, which put us over 20% of our goal for the virtual race, but after an Apple vs Garmin conversation, I’m keeping this one short.

Closer to five

Garmin says the pup n I went 4.57m today in 1h3m19s at an average pace of 13:51. It was an early morning, cool, and just as the sun broke, so while I didn’t use a headlamp, I put the lights on the pups collar. I made an oops, and you’ll notice in that initial break...

A new start

The Mrs wants to restart her training runs, and today was the beginning for her. The stats below are for me, but she, I, and the pup wet out just before sunset for a three-mile run. I included my Garmin data, but when we run, we are together, so short of the pup sniff...


Tis the day before our anniversary, and I missed getting to the florist to pick up the flowers, uh oh. Hey, I ordered them, gave the team at the florist pics from the flowers at our wedding, along with the creative authority to make a nice centerpiece for the table,...

Slow Mile

Tonight the Mrs, pup n I went for a 1.26M walk after dinner. It was a slow walk while the girls watched the Elemental movie after dinner. Was surprised how interested they got because at first, they fought to put something else on. You know how those teens on the...