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As the sun rose this morning, pup n I set out on a “hike’. I say hike because I wore a 30lb pack. It is the same pack I had when I moved back to Washington and decided hiking was fun. In it, I did not have the ten essentials; instead, I had two containers full of water and some weights. The water in the pack was for weight, too, but a trick I learned when training for a Mt Rainier summit was to carry water up, dump it at the top, and then come down with less weight. It also gives you the ability to dump the water and lighten the load if you are carrying too much too far or need a break.

I had my DSLR and water for the pup outside of the pack. I also had a Garmin GPS for the trail to supplement the one on my wrist. When I weighed it all, it was 30lbs.

I wore boots, pants, and a brimmed hat. Quite the look for the same trail route I run on, but I wanted to give the pup a break from running.

We took 2h18m to complete the seven miles, which works out to a pace of 19:44, says Garmin.  The pup was off leash most of the way since it was early and traffic was light. She decided to be a lab and went swimming in pond water along the way, much to my chagrin. The Mrs gave her a bath when we got home, and since the day was warm, the pup dried off quickly. This afternoon, we went for another mile walk with the Mrs, and everything is well.

So, a week brought to a close, I’m gonna put a pin in this and finish watching Billions.

Thanks for reading, and yes, I took pics, but that is what the site is for.

Mama’s Friend