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So tonight, I took the drone out to see how the active tracking modes work. There is a follow-me and a parallel flavor, but they did the same thing for me in my testing tonight. Granted, I have not used either of these modes much, but I have always thought that the drone could follow us and get shots of us running majestically together.  The vision in my head did not match the results I got, but it was my first try. The fact the drone followed me around a couple of lamp poles and some trees along the sidewalk was pretty good. It lost us out on the street where there was a big evergreen we walked under. It has enough obstacle avoidance that the drone did not crash, and I even pushed the record button to see what it looked like.

While I love taking still images, video is not my thing. In my head, I have this idea of what I will do with the video, but when I download them, there is just a lot of it, and I don’t know what to do with it, so they get stored. Still images I can tweak and post and share, and they capture a memory of a specific event that triggers all the motion surrounding it in my head when I see it, months or years later. A video, by itself, needs a lot of massaging to represent or tell a story. I wonder where the video of the kids when they were babies is? 

I digress. The drone, pup n I made a circle of a mile before the Mrs joined in for another, and we ended up at two and a half for the day. The drone battery lasted about a mile, so it made me wonder how far I could go as there are some cool shots (in my head) if I got the pup n I running. 

However, the pup stopped several times tonight and not to sniff or potty, just like an “I’m not doing this anymore” kind of stop. When nearly a hundred pounds on the end of a leash you are holding changes from forward motion to no motion, it is like dropping an anchor on land. It brings me to an abrupt halt no matter what conversation I might be having or trying to have with the Mrs. Rather awkward, and I am not sure if she has sore paws from the distance n pace she kept up yesterday or if it was the time of day since it was a little warm and she always wears a fur coat. That reminds me; it has been a week since her nail trim, and I need to do that again. I will check both before the weekend.

I was hoping we could go out again for a longer run/walk tomorrow morning, but I don’t want to push her that far after tonight. I could put a pack on, and we walk it. The Mrs wants to put in another three miler and build on what she did last week, so I need to be mindful of that too.

Okay, well, the sun is down, and I am tired, so off to bed I go.

Thanks for reading,

Mama’s friend