by Mama's Friend | Sep 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today, the Mrs took the pup n I out for what she said would be a mile walk. I grabbed the pack, thinking it would be a mile, and I wanted to add some extra. She decided to walk further, and we ended up at four miles. Her pace got faster than last week, so there was...
by Mama's Friend | Sep 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Mrs had a training run today, and the pup n I tagged along. I brought the DSLR to improve my running backward and take pics while her coach set a goal for her run/walk intervals to maintain a specific heartbeat. The pup was using the outing as a recovery run for...
by Mama's Friend | Sep 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
As the sun rose this morning, pup n I set out on a “hike’. I say hike because I wore a 30lb pack. It is the same pack I had when I moved back to Washington and decided hiking was fun. In it, I did not have the ten essentials; instead, I had two containers full of...
by Mama's Friend | Sep 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
So tonight, I took the drone out to see how the active tracking modes work. There is a follow-me and a parallel flavor, but they did the same thing for me in my testing tonight. Granted, I have not used either of these modes much, but I have always thought that the...
by Mama's Friend | Sep 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
Seems my posts, or the motivation to write, diminishes with the hours of the day. The pup n I started off great with nearly six miles under 13min/mile. But that was as the sun came up. Now, the Mrs, pup n I all went for a mile walk as the sun was setting. My ability...