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Tis the day before our anniversary, and I missed getting to the florist to pick up the flowers, uh oh. Hey, I ordered them, gave the team at the florist pics from the flowers at our wedding, along with the creative authority to make a nice centerpiece for the table,...

Slow Mile

Tonight the Mrs, pup n I went for a 1.26M walk after dinner. It was a slow walk while the girls watched the Elemental movie after dinner. Was surprised how interested they got because at first, they fought to put something else on. You know how those teens on the...

Five to Three

Well, today, I started out with high hopes to knock out five miles. No particular reason; just felt like a good number. Pup n I took off mid-day, the temp was about 69, I wore the New Balance shoes, bolted on the Garmin, and turned on the music through a set of...

The doghouse

Well, the pup n I waited until this evening to go for a walk and we netted just 1.11M in 30 minutes of silence. You see, this was an early morning for the whole house. The kids had to be at school an hour earlier, the Mrs and I both had early meetings, so the house...

Writers block

Wow, rough day. Well, as it relates to drafting a blog entry. Sure, I took the pup out this morning, and the Mrs walked next to me for the first mile, but I waited until the sun started to go down before writing anything. This left me with a blank in my head. For...

Start a new beginning

Ok, it is my second blog entry and my mind has created and deleted several paragraphs so we’ll see what ends up on paper.  The pup, I, and the Mrs went out for a walk/run yesterday afternoon, and I didn’t want to set an expectation that I might publish more than once...