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Let’s build some awesome! Well, that is the goal, but let’s start and see if I can keep this up. Right, Start.Run, it’s in the name. Honestly, I registered that many years ago, thinking I could use it to build a help site for folks running Windows OS. Remember, back in the day, nearly every guidance began with, “click on Start, then in the Run bar type…” fill in the blank of what the command you needed to run. That’s how I remember many help desk call when they came in, but I digress.

So, today is the third day in September, the year is 2023, and the pup n I just got back from a morning walk. I didn’t plan on running when I set out, so I only have my Apple Watch to tell me we walked for 46:09 at a pace of 16’24” /MI resulting in a distance of 2.81M. 

It was partly cloudy and 61° (option shift 8 netted me that degree symbol) so many would say ideal conditions to start.

On every run or walk, my mind races with the thoughts of writing a blog and charting my progress, but this is honestly the first time I came back, I sat in front of the computer and typed anything. Funny, huh? As I walk, in my mind are all those things I could write about. What shoes I wore, how I felt, what my highs were, and where I struggled. Plus, I used to love to write, and even though I got good feedback, I never stuck with it. All the stories in my head, well, they stayed there. 

Today I am going to do something different. I am going to see how long I can keep this going. I will only tell one person and ask her not to tell anyone else just because she and I have not communicated well these past few weeks. I think it’s just a phase, and maybe my writing and sharing with her will help when I ask in person how she is doing. At least she will know I was thinking about our communication has digressed to mainly body language with a thumbs up or eye roll with barely an “uh huh” to acknowledge. It’s okay, it will get better, but maybe this will help us both, and at a minimum, I know I have one reader. For the rest, I’ll let the Internet decide. Plus, she is a better writer than I am these days, so I’m playing catch up.

This leads me to ask, do I have a running-related goal, and you may wonder, too? Well, Mrs and I do have a marathon on the calendar for January, and we have talked about adding a couple of training halves, maybe knocking one out per month as we get ready. So yes, this could help with that, and I do feel that I am about twenty pounds heavier than I would like, so maybe that can factor in, too.

No, this is not a weight loss or training plan for a marathon blog. Feel free to take what you find of value and apply it, but I’m not a trainer, and like many my age, the body has changed share with gravity and a more sedentary lifestyle overall. The pup and I have this in common, so it makes sense to tackle it together. 

The funny thing is that as I write this, the infrastructure of the blog has not been created. Sure, I have the domain name and the technical chomps, but this will be the first time I wrote a blog and did not spend most of my time building the site. To that, I will now transition my attention to. It will be rough to start as I will play with a new WordPress theme that I have not used before either. Yes, this will be posted on a WordPress site that is running on a virtual machine from my living room, because I can. I am hopeful that it will get better over time as I draft content and I may pull in pix from its neighbor site, but for now, this is my first post. Lets see how far I can go.

Mama’s Friend